Preparation for Birth

Our antenatal courses provide comprehensive information and support to help you prepare for the arrival of your baby.

From understanding the stages of pregnancy to learning about childbirth techniques, our courses cover it all. Join us to gain the knowledge and confidence you need for a positive pregnancy and parenting journey.



How can you work with me

What is

The Holistic Wellness Centre hypnobirthing course currently takes place online to reach you wherever you are. The course provides you knowledge to have a calm birth the way you prefer and feel more in control. If you wish to understand how birth works & what you can do to support it, then this course is for you.

Imagine how would you feel if you're going on a trip that you have been longing for, but you leave everything to organise to a person who doesn't know you well or your wishes as you have been so preoccupied with other things that you forgot to prepare anything and now don't know what to expect? You'd probably be stressed about it, yet this attitude is almost always taken with birth. By making the time to prepare, learn & understand how everything works and what the day is likely to have in store for you, will lead to you being more confident & feeling more calm in the build up and when the labour starts.

Throughout the hypnobirthing course, we will cover all this & more:

  • How your body works & how you can work with it;

  • Variety of options available to you;

  • Learn how to take charge of the care you are receiving and make informed decisions;

  • How your partner can support you & what role they can play;

  • Effective relaxation, visualisation & breathing exercises and how they can help you in labour;

  • Step by step of what to expect & how to address each stage of birth, including the all important questions of when to go to the hospital or birth centre & which pain relief may be right for you if you decide to use it.




All offered packages are a full birth preparation course including the physiology of birth & the techniques of hypnobirthing, what to expect when you have your baby as well as the choices available to you coupled with how your birth partner can support you on the day & relaxations during each session.

As part of the package you will also receive 5 audios, booklet of course notes & affirmations, access to amazing experts, my favourite birth book, and ongoing support from me until you're holding your baby.

Once the booking is confirmed, your package will be sent to you via email, by post or given to you at our first session.


Private courses take place over 3-4 evening sessions.

Please contact me before purchasing to discuss if you would like to book weekends.

Can be in English or Lithuanian.

These sessions give you the opportunity to have the course tailored to you, your baby & birth location. It can also be tailored for planned inductions & caesarean births.

Each session is tailored to you & will cover:

  • Physiology of birth;

  • Basics of hypnobirthing;

  • How your mind & body work together and how mindset can affect the birthing mother;

  • How your partner can support you & what role they can play;

  • What to expect when you have your baby at your chosen place of birth;

  • Effective relaxation, visualisation & breathing exercises and how they can help you during birth;

  • How to take charge of the care you are receiving and make informed decisions;

  • Induction information;

  • Step by step of what to expect & how to address each stage of birth, including the all important questions of when to go to the hospital or birth centre & which pain relief may be right for you if you decide to use it.

€300 - online
€450 - in person in your home


The group course takes place over 4 evenings online or 2 half days in person.

Please check the dates & location when booking.

This course covers:

  • Physiology of birth;

  • Basics of hypnobirthing;

  • How your mind & body work together and how mindset can affect the birthing mother;

  • How your partner can support you & what role they can play;

  • What to expect when you have your baby;

  • Effective relaxation, visualisation & breathing exercises and how they can help you during birth;

  • How to take charge of the care you are receiving and make informed decisions;

  • Induction information;

  • Step by step of what to expect & how to address each stage of birth, including the all important questions of when to go to the hospital or birth centre & which pain relief may be right for you if you decide to use it.

€200 - online
€250 - in person


Refresher mini course - perfect if you have used hypnobirthing with a previous pregnancy & want to update your knowledge and refresh your memory.

The course takes place over 2 sessions held on weekday evenings or 1 half day on a weekend.

This course is completely tailored to you & your needs.

€199 - online
€250 - in person in your home